∙ Become comfortable with being vulnerable
∙ Be confident in who I am
∙ Educate myself continuously
-Monica, USA
∙ Become comfortable with being vulnerable
∙ Be confident in who I am
∙ Educate myself continuously
-Monica, USA
∙ Feel good in my own skin
∙ Be kind to myself
∙ Set a routine that works for me and my goals
-Laura, New York
Read More∙ “Make friends” with movement
∙ Cook sustainably
∙ Create a morning routine that works for me
-Kamil, Chile
Read More∙ Start an exercise routine
∙ Develop a healthier relationship with food and portioning
∙ Eat more veggie-based
-Maia, California
Read More∙ Finding a work-life balance and set a better morning & evening routine
∙ Dedicate more time to myself
∙ Begin the journey to feeling good in my body (including cooking more, exercising more)
-Mel, Belgium
Read More∙ Understand my body’s needs and learn to eat only when I am really hungry.
∙ Love my body and stop comparing myself to others.
∙ Learn how to be constant and achieve my goals.
-Alexandra, Venezuela
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