
“Nati provides many resources to help attain these goals, but the most useful tool for me was The Circle of Life. I believe with any desire to change it's extremely beneficial to become aware of where one is at now. The Circle of Life forced me to face many truths I was avoiding. It helped me realize what I was lacking in my life and once I knew what those areas were, I was able to start implementing change. Another great tool Nati uses is the personal leadership canvas. It helps in identifying what drives you, what is truly important to you, and becoming aware of what your limiting beliefs are.”

-Monica, USA

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“Teaching me that things are achieved with patience, no matter how small the progress. In addition to that, I believe that one of the greatest lessons I have learned is that no matter how small the change or action, it is important to make it visible. We can work every day for our final goal with small daily actions, which not because they are daily, mean that they are not important and transcendental. Nati helped me understand that every step I take in the direction of my goals is a step that I must appreciate and of which I must be proud.”

-Kamil, Chile

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“Nati helped me by setting very realistic, achievable goals that made me feel good about myself and like I was working towards becoming a better version of myself (without ever feeling less than). She always listened to what was going on in my mind and helped me make sense of it all. She also gave great exercises that helped me understand myself a little bit better and gain perspective on a lot of things.”

-Laura, New York

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“Nati helped me work towards my goals by meeting me where I was at. She brainstormed ideas with me and supported me as I tried them out, and found what worked for me. She helped me find ways of integrating my goals into my busy schedule in a way that didn't feel forced, but natural.”

-Maia, California

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“Leading the way to help me take small (but meaningful) steps in each session, providing me with great examples, taking the time to listen to me, and providing me with excellent tools that work specifically for me, and most importantly motivating and showing me that everything is possible.”

-Mel, Belgium

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“First, guiding me into establish realistic and more meaningful goals.

Then giving me the tools I needed and also being there for me throughout the process and motivating me everyday.”

-Alexandra, Venezuela

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“Helping my know myself a little better. I did the job and got deeper into myself and she helped my with different exercises, PDF, videos, talks and questions that helped me realize many things I had inside of me.”

-Capu, France

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“Keeping me accountable (i.e., asking for progress each session)
Providing introspective exercises that helped me identify areas of opportunity, motivated me or simply stopped me from making any more excuses”

-Ana, Dubai

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“Nati gave me small goals to achieve in order to reach my actual goal. Baby steps that I did not know I needed and are now part of my every day life. On top of the small goals she provided me with care, support & attention. Also extra details, documents, podcast, books for me to read/listen/look at and see what feels good.”

-Bea, France

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“She gave me her full attention & she listened with an open mind, trying to understand where I was coming from without judging.

She helped me see the bigger picture and helped me in other areas of life that I didn’t even realize needed attention.

She gave me homework after every session based on what we had talked about that week and based on what she thought might be helpful to me and my situation.

She asked me questions that made me reflect and see things from other perspectives and gave me tools to better handle the challenges I often faced in my daily life.”

-Karoline, Norway

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